I know, I know--the title above ends in a preposition, but hey--I'm a nurse not an English major--see I don't know if I'm supposed to cap that or not, but something tells me that I should....but anyway.
Last week was just one of those weeks with nothing except going on except #4 gchild's birthday Saturday. She turned 15, I mean 5. By Saturday afternoon I was pooped. We came home with #1 gchild and #4 gchild. I snuck off to the bedroom and before I could blink, #s 1 and 4 were in the bed with me, arguing over who could be in the middle. (seems that is very important) We struck a deal--they could watch TV while I napped--however I didn't count on #4 sitting on my legs, #1 snuggling up under me, GinGin sleeping on my head and CiCi sleeping on my neck and David getting in the bed too with the exercise machine on his arm. Still despite all of this I fell sound asleep!! It is unheard of for me to take a nap.
David put the curtains up in the great room for me....well it seems that I only ordered one panel for each french door-you know two per door instead of 4. And I ordered them too long and even though that I intended them to puddle on the floor, they really puddle on the floor. David says the dogs are going to love peeing on them. But you know what--I love them like that. So Ihave ordered more from JC Penney. When I'm through with everything, I'm going to post pictures.
I have become addicted to reading blogs.....so I'm reading more than I'm blogging. My favorite blogs are about crafting and recycling and of course dolls. I found the idea of using old suitcases for doggie beds and of course I loved that idea. We have two old suitcases that we bought at an estate sale, I bought two 3 dollar pillows at WalMart and put pillow cases on them that I embroidered years ago with a kitten motif. CiCi went straight to it and made herself comfortable.....GinGin on the other hand....well she cuddled up with CiCi one time.....oh and in the picture you can see my whiskey barrell ringer washing machine that I got for Christmas one year and my puddley curtains.(sorry they are fuzzy--but I just took 'em with my phone)
LOL about you pup sleeping on your neck, we have a black lab pup who started doing that, she is just plain too big now , Thank Goodness she grew out of.
Thank You for stopping by my simple blog.
Many Hugs,
Jackie In Idaho
Angel! Those puddling drapes are going to attract puddles! LOL! You wouldn't do this with males, I can assure you! I think you will need to hem them!
Love the suitcase idea for the dogs. And the embroidered pillow case, too.
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