Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Good friend L. when she came over and took the grand tour of the house.
L.  Why don't you have curtains in your bathroom?
Me.  I just haven't been able to find any that suited me.
L.  Do you take baths in that tub?
Me. Yes.
L. How many people have you killed?

Picture of one of the windows over the tub....the other is to the immediate right.

Cassie (#2 gchild):  Nonna, do you know what I enjoyed most about today?
Me:  Thinking, the trip to Wal Mart, Pizza Inn......(she was a tremendous help to me cleaning out my Mama's house Saturday) No what?
Cassie:  Just being with you.
Me:  What? Wanting her to say it again.
Cassie: Just being with you.

David:  Gotta move my cameras (the ones in the woods)...corn feeders blah blah....scrapes yada yada....deer stands....blah blah blah.....scope.....camouflage.....food plots....yada yada yada...gloves, boots, rifle, insulated socks, under armor, antler rattler thing......doe urine.........
Me:  Sigh..........


Keetha said...

That Cassie. Didn't that just melt your heart?

Annette said...

I'm smiling.

Lucy said...

Doesn't really look like anybody's out there to see in when you take a bath, so who cares! Hunting sounds complicated, doesn't it? Very man...

Vintage Christine said...

Hubby loves guns and has lots of them but thank goodness he's not interested in hunting. I tried venison chili once and ugh--that "backtaste" was horrible. Our local paper used to run photos of kids who had shot their first buck or doe--having moved from San Diego, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw those pictures. I realize it's a source of pride for these kids, but still . . .