Monday Monday......busy busy. I didn't make my deadline for our usual other words, I was supposed to get the agenda out today, but it seemed that everything was just pushing my hands away. Anyway, I'll get it out tomorrow.
Yesterday morning, I had just gotten out of the shower getting ready to go to church, when I looked on the bed and saw Ginger eating one of my lactaide tablets. She had gotten the bottle out of my purse and I guess the lid wasn't on tight, and there you have it. I had placed my purse on the bed. She and CiCi are very interested in anything that is mine. And my purse is very very interesting. So I called the Vet School at Mississippi State and they felt that it would probably be okay, but just in case gave me the number for pet poison control, which I called (charge of $35.00 to your credit card) and the lady was very very nice helpful. She reassured me that it would be okay and what to watch for. Soooo, I didn't go to church and then stayed home the rest of the day and worked around the house.
It seems that since we have moved here and I can see the lake from just about every window in the house, I have become obsessed with which way the wind is blowing since I can see the ripples on the water. I'm constantly saying hmmm, the wind is from the east, hmmm the wind is from the west....hmmm the wind is out of the north.....and only rarely do I see the water rippling from the south. I'm still amazed at the stars and the moon and the clouds and the trees and the birds and the deer and the ducks and the geese. You would think that I never lived in the country. Picture above is the view from the bathroom, one of the corner windows. And no we don't have curtains yet...but no neighbors on this side...and we bathe in the dark!!
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