Thursday, May 17, 2012

These Stones....

have been following me for years.  In fact we have been together since I was born.
These sandstones were dug up from only my ancestors know where in the early 1800s and piled one upon the other to make the chimney of the old home that I rattle so much about.  These are the smaller ones, the larger ones (much larger) are still at the old home place.
When Mama moved to the city...I'm smiling as I write this...the city is Winona...( the kind people that bought our home place told me that I could move them whenever I wanted.
So one day my sweet hubby moved a trailer load of them to our previous home in Winona.  I used them to surround my flower beds.
Then when we built this house,  (that's it in the above picture) last summer he surprised me and moved them here and built these two flower beds on either side of our driveway.
So these old rocks and I have been together for 56 years.  Oh and the well bucket that you see hanging up, I drew many a bucket of water with it.  I have had it with me for years...and it just this spring found it's final resting place...   


Sketching with Dogs said...

That is absolutely amazing that your family would think to take stones with them wherever they went. What a unique and historical piece of treasure you have!
Lynne x said...

Now that is a neat idea!

DollZandThingZ said...

How lovely! And so like you! It must make you feel great when you look at them! Your yard looks great. Have a nice weekend!

xx Helen

Grayquill said...

Your fifty six years old??? Hmmmm...a woman who reveals her age. Now that's refreshing. BTW- I think you husband is better than he is supposed to be. My wife can hardly get me to pick up my socks let alone large boulders. I hope you gave him thanks in equal weight or proportions :-)
Nice post.