I called the utility company to see if the White Knight was in that morning.
This is the conversation:
May I speak to the young gentleman that helped with the deer yesterday?
Yes Mam, he's right here.
Hi, I'm the lady about the deer.
Yes Mam.
Are you Carl and Marie's son?
Yes Mam.
I just want you to know that they would be very proud of you...you have turned into a fine young man, and they would be very very proud.
Thank you Mam.
What year were you born?
I was still helping Dr. Costilow deliver babies back then, and I think I was there when you were born.
Yes Mam.
Was the doe okay?
Yes Mam, she got up and was able to run off, she seemed fine, didn't look like anything was wrong with her.
Great!! Thank you again.
Yes Mam, you are welcome.
I believe....there are still White Knights around....and they show up at just the right time when you need them.
Thank you for the follow up to the story. What a coincidence about you being at the birth of the white knight! Glad the story ended well.
I'm always up for a story with a happy ending. Thanks for starting my day off with a smile!
Thank you for this beautiful story, and a taste of Home, where Knights drive pickups and there ARE magical endings.
There are so many coincidences and convoluted relationships in this that the only thing lacking is if the Knight's name is Tom.
My secret word today is THOMPURE.
What a great story! I'm so glad to know how it ends. How cool are you to have followed up on that.
Nice story, and a very good looking knight!
Greetings from Germany, I live near Wolfram's Eschenbach, a town where the famous medieval knight Wolfram von Eschenbach lived....He wrote "Parcifal". No kidding! You can google it. Your knight looks just like him....!
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