the other party doesn't know it's going on or is pretending like he isn't standoffing? Let me explain, it all started Wednesday night. I had cleaned the kitchen till it was spick and span. The Love Of My Life, went to Mickidees and got him something to eat. I noticed before he and I went to bed that he had left the drink on the counter, a butchered tomato on the counter and a mess in the sink. I went to bed and left it in a mess. I didn't touch it all the next day.
Buuuuttt Thursday afternoon when I got home, I noticed that TLOML had sorta cleaned the sink and put the tomato in the garbage....buuuuttt he put the drink intact in the sink. Why he didn't empty it and put the cup in the garbage I have no idea. It's not like the garbage can is in Siberia, it is 2 feet from the sink.
Sooo, it is now Sunday night, I have cleaned the kitchen twice on Saturday and twice today. I pick up the cup, rinse out the sink and put it right back. I'm not moving the d@^^> cup even if hell freezes over. I don't care if it rots, I don't care if mold and fungolia grow in there--I'm not moving it. I'm going to wait it out. I want to see how long he will leave it there.
A friend of mine is my hero. She left a pair of her husband's jeans on the back of his recliner (after he put them there) for four weeks. He only moved them after he invited company over. She is my hero.
We could get a pool going on how long it will stay there...I'll keep you posted. If I knew how to put a countdown widget on here I would........
So funny! I did this twice with my kid's dirty bathroom (which also is the guest bathroom). it was disgustingly filthy after two weeks. Of course, both times we had unexpected guest drop by and of course, they asked to use the bathroom.
Amazing! In my house, TLOML will actually pick up his plate, utensils and drink glass, take them to the sink, rinse them . . . and leave them at the sink. Does not put them in the dishwasher, which is about 6" away. After seeing a male houseguest do the same thing, I have surmised that it is the lack of a rib that renders them incapable of making the slight turn towards the dishwasher, opening the door, and bending to insert plate, utensils and glass. If this is truly the case, it's all OUR FAULT since they unwillingly gave up that rib to make US!!! Feminine logic at its best.
Kate, you may be absolutely right now that I think of it and TLOML also does the same thing, concerning the dishwasher--since this is not an R rated blog, I'll email you and tell you why I think they can't do it.
Annette, see!! see!! they won!! they knew they would win!!! and I bet they didn't give a hoot that the guest saw the BR like that.
They are good--that's all I can say.
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