Look what I got in the mail last Thursday!!!
My BBFF (Blogging Best Friend Forever) Kate Spike sent me this in the mail. She made the necklace--isn't it pretty? And she made the box that she mailed it to me in also--isn't it cool?
I have made the most wonderful friends out here in blog land. They are all so talented and fun. Visit Kate here and leave a comment to let her know you stopped by, she will love to hear from you.
Oh and her cat Poonie has a blog as well, visit him here ---he is hilarious.
Thanks Kate--I love the necklace and the box too. I wore the necklace to work and all the girls loved it.
Very Pretty!
I am honored beyond words that you were sweet enough to write such a nice post. I have been having a horrible fight with a long-time friend and got so depressed that I didn't want to bother with the blogs any longer. Your post made me feel MUCH better about myself so I think I'll just go and delete the bye-bye posts. Thank you!!!!!!!!
Very pretty...
I wanted to thank you for visitng my blog, and if you want to talk about the 'connections' more, you can email me at dkwarner1atbellsouthdotnet.
That's gorgeous. Love the crystal on it. Fab. going over to see her blog and leave a comment now. Cheers..Pam
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